上海润颐复合材料有限公司 Shanghai Sealton Co., Ltd TEL: (Head office) 0086-21-5820-1649, (Factory) 0086-21-5800-3169 Fax: (Head office) 0086-21-5820-1004, (Factory) 0086-21-5800-3082 Website: www.sealton.com e-mail: tomguo@sealton.com
会刊简介 润颐复合材料有限公司位于上海浦东新区,拥有高洁净度的生产车间,主要技术来自日本和国内高端产业生产厂。生产PET保护膜,防爆膜,防刮膜等透明压敏胶产品。 PET保护膜可以是制程用保护膜,也可以是高透明,抗刮擦硬涂层保护膜。我们拥有的涂层技术,压敏胶应用技术可以按照客户要求研发订制。 专业PET保护膜代工生产厂,欢迎广大模切厂和组件厂前来洽谈! Sealton Company is located at Pudong, Shanghai. There is high class clean room at coating line, and main technology comes from Japan and top-class manufacturers in China. Our products include such PSA films as PET protective film, anti-scratch film, paint protection film and window safety film. PET protective film includes process-protective film, hard-coating protective film. It is our pleasure to develop specialized protective film with the advanced top-coating technology and PSA technology according to customer’s application. WE DO OEM FOR PET PROTECTIVE FILM. DIE-CUT SUPPLIERS & ASSEMBLING FACTORIES ARE WELCOME FOR CONSULTATION.
